Carve Up the Chocolate Sculpture

Making Bible Study More Fun

Wake up, you right-brained folks! If this kind of rigid, detailed study bores you, I have a few suggestions. Look for ways to do it in a more creative way.

When you do a word study, underline all the words or verses in a particular color. Later, as you look through your Bible, you’ll know that green verses are about peace, blue verses are about heaven, and pink verses are about love.

Write verses out on colored notecards. Make an outline or chart with artwork, a collage, or different colors for each section. As part of your character study, draw a picture of your character for the cover of your Bible study.

It’s okay to approach linear, logical Bible study with some creative flourishes to make it more fun. We’ll discuss much more on right-brained approaches to the Bible in the next chapter.

This is an excerpt from Sweeter Than Chocolate: Developing a Healthy Addiction to God’s Word. Used by permission.


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