God's Chocolate Workout

God’s Chocolate Workout: Applying the Bible to Our Lives

In addition to a chocolate diet that motivates us to eat and digest God’s Word, we can also enjoy the healthy benefits of a chocolate workout.

I’m sure you’d agree that any workout would be much more enjoyable if chocolate were involved. I’d stay on the treadmill much longer if there were a huge chocolate donut dangling in front of me (sorry, carrots don’t cut it). If I got a bite of the donut after each mile, I’d probably stay on the treadmill longer and put in more miles without even realizing it.

God’s workout plan for us involves applying the Bible to our lives and doing what it says. We need to “work it out,” so to speak. These aren’t mechanical exercises that get you nowhere (like running on a treadmill); applying God’s Word to real-life situations takes us places we never dreamed.

It doesn’t do us any good to read and study the Bible if we don’t do what it says. Many people stop short of this step because obedience isn’t easy. In fact, obedience can be downright uncomfortable. That’s the nature of exercise, isn’t it? However, a little chocolate can make all the difference.

This is an excerpt from Sweeter Than Chocolate: Developing a Healthy Addiction to God’s Word. Used by permission.


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