God's Chocolate Workout

Applying the Bible to Our Lives: Stretching

For some of us, stretching amounts to reaching for that chocolate donut. That’s as much stretching as we are comfortable doing.

Stretching is usually uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. Physical stretching exercises loosen up muscles, preparing them for action. We do this to prevent injury. To bend without resistance is not a stretch.

Stretching, by its very definition, involves extending beyond what is comfortable. To stretch to the point of resistance and quit is of no benefit either. To attain the full benefit of a stretching exercise, you must reach the point of resistance and hold it at that point. Eventually, the tension subsides and greater flexibility occurs. Stretching allows blood to move into the tissues that were previously restricted.

Do you see the amazing spiritual parallels here? Spiritual stretching—through obedience to God’s Word—makes us ready for action and prevents spiritual injury. Stretching increases flexibility for future activity, strengthens our lives for additional endurance, and allows the life-giving blood of Christ to enter new areas of our lives.

Yes, sometimes the Bible is challenging. The Bible makes us uncomfortable and we wonder if we are really supposed to obey it. We try to rationalize and justify our reasons for not obeying. However, when we do stretch ourselves beyond our comfort zone to obey God in a new way, we find amazing benefits of the stretching experience. Obedience makes us feel invigorated and alive just as exercise makes us feel invigorated and alive.

This is an excerpt from Sweeter Than Chocolate: Developing a Healthy Addiction to God’s Word. Used by permission.


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