God's Chocolate Workout

Applying the Bible to Our Lives: Repetitions

Part of exercise involves repetition. The same is true of God’s chocolate workout. As we put the Bible to work in our lives, it’s not enough to do what it says once; we have to keep on doing it. Several things come into play here.

First, we need to read the whole Bible and not just familiar passages. We need to read it regularly and repeatedly. There is no race. You don’t have to follow a particular schedule. In fact, sometimes the schedule can get in the way. Forget the schedule. Don’t read the Bible as a duty or an item to check off your to-do list every day. Read the Bible because you enjoy a relationship with the Author. Every word is a love-letter to you, so read it all.

Second, we need to stop reading the Bible to pat ourselves on the back in areas where we are already obeying it. Rather, we need to expand our horizons and challenge ourselves to obey in new areas all the time.

Third, we need to stop applying the Bible to everyone else. Look to your own heart and life and you will find plenty of areas where you need to apply the Bible. Do those.

Fourth, we get better at anything with practice and that includes applying God’s Word to our lives and obeying it.

Fifth, appraise your spiritual health. We don’t grow if we don’t know what we need: “Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves” (Romans 12:3) and “Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching” (1 Timothy 4:16).

Repetition encourages us to continue. As with physical health, we need both food and exercise. Food provides energy. Expending energy makes us tired and hungry so we go back for more food. Feed yourself on more of God’s Word and obey. Your hunger for God’s Word grows in proportion to your obedience. The more you obey, the more you will repeat this process.

This is an excerpt from Sweeter Than Chocolate: Developing a Healthy Addiction to God’s Word. Used by permission.


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