
Hi! I’m Christy Bower. I wrote the book, Sweeter Than Chocolate, from which all the content on this site is excerpted.

You probably want to know a few essential things about me so let’s use the five Ws and an H to ask all the right questions.

Why do I write?

If you’re a Christian who may not want to admit you think the Bible is boring, then guess what? I write for you! I want to make the Bible fun and easy to understand so people will explore what God has to say through the pages of the Bible.

When did I start writing?

I’ve always had a passion for writing. I began by writing greeting card sentiments. Later I wrote magazine articles and I finally published a book in 2002. Now I’ve published more than 30 books.

What are my qualifications?

Accurately handling the word is important as a Christian writer. That’s why I earned a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Multnomah Biblical Seminary. My Bible education continues to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that give me confidence to tackle any Bible topic. In addition, American Christian Writers has twice named me Writer of the Year.

Who am I as a person?

Not much different from you, really. We are each created in God’s image and blessed with the bountiful blessings of our Father in Heaven. But in addition to faith and writing, I like to . . . wait . . . is there anything besides faith and writing?

Okay, so I enjoy some humor when I can manage it. Actually, I’m a big goofball. I constantly toss words around trying to come up with clever puns. I try to invent new song lyrics on the fly. And I am enthralled by images. Images stimulate the creative parts of my brain, especially when I find (or create) images that cause a shift in perspective. Crazy girl likes crazy images. It’s one of my quirks.

Oh, did I mention the crazy? I have bipolar disorder. Before you run away screaming, please hop on over to my author website to get to know me.

Where do I hang out?

I don’t use social media so much any more. I visit Twitter most often and every few weeks I’ll poke my head in FarceBook to check for messages.

Instead of social media, I choose to hang out where book lovers congregate. I spend an excessive amount of time on Amazon because I love books. By the way, you can visit my author page on Amazon to see my books. I’m active on Goodreads and NoiseTrade. I’m exploring a number of other book sites to decide which of them are my new favorites, but look me up and maybe we’ll connect in a virtual book nook somewhere.

How much chocolate do I eat?

Not as much as you might think. I hate to break the illusion of being a chocoholic after writing a book called Sweeter Than Chocolate, but I actually crave salty foods more than sweets. It’s not that difficult for me to turn down sweets.


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