
 How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.
Psalm 119:103

Greetings from Montana! I’m Christy Bower and I want to help you find creative ways to engage and enjoy the Bible. The Bible doesn’t have to be a boring book. Anyone can engage the Bible in meaningful ways.

The methods that resonate with you may not be the same methods someone else might prefer. Each of us prefers either left-brained logical methods or right-brained creative methods. Generally, those who teach the Bible emphasize how to study the Bible using systematic methods. That can be a real yawn for folks who want to dabble, create, and discover meaning.

In Sweeter Than Chocolate, you will learn:

  • how and when to read the Bible using a freestyle Bible reading guide
  • how to study the Bible
  • how to practice BIBLICAL meditation
  • how to understand the major story arc of the Bible in a quick Bible history overview

The Living Word will change your life if you let it. Let’s indulge ourselves because, unlike chocolate, there’s no such thing as overindulging in God’s Word.


Sweeter Than Chocolate is available in paperback, Kindle, and ePub.

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About Christy Bower. For those of you who like to know my qualifications, I have a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Multnomah Biblical Seminary. I am the author of more than 30 books and American Christian Writers has twice named me “Writer of the Year.”

As for the rest of you who simply want to know what kind of person I am, Coca Cola is my lifeblood, Star Wars is my love language, and superheroes are my superheroes. I drive a hatchback car because I value economy and versatility. I have never used a smart phone. I spend an excessive amount of time on the Internet when I should be writing. And I’ve never owned a pet of any kind.



“Christy’s very positive writing style . . . is completely free of any fear and guilt manipulation to make people feel bad if they do not read the Bible.”

John Grebe

“This book is a good introduction to the Bible and Bible study for new Christians or Christians beginning to study the Bible for the first time.”

Joan N.