Carve Up the Chocolate Sculpture

Five Methods of Left-Brain Bible Study

For many left-brained students, “follow your curiosity” may not seem structured enough. For those who want a more structured approach, you might want to choose from one of these methods.

If you’re more of the right-brained type, hold on until the end, where I’ll give some simple adaptations that will make these structured methods of study a little more fun.

  1. Bible Study: Traditional Method (Observation, Interpretation, Application)
  2. Christy’s IDEA Method for Bible Study
  3. Biographical (Character) Study
  4. Bible Study Methods: Outlining and Chart Making
  5. Bible Study Methods: Word Studies


This is an excerpt from Sweeter Than Chocolate: Developing a Healthy Addiction to God’s Word. Used by permission.


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Carve Up the Chocolate Sculpture

Bible Study Methods: Word Studies

Word studies are probably the most popular form of Bible study for many folks. Sometimes this is borne out of need, such as a realization that you would like to have more peace in your life, so you look up all the verses that talk about peace to see what you can learn.

This kind of study can be simple, looking up the verses in an English concordance. Or it can be more involved, looking up the original Greek or Hebrew words and expanding your study accordingly (as described in the section on how to use a concordance).

Whether you choose a simple word study or get more involved, word studies can be an effective and rewarding way to study the Bible.

Be careful not to make this your only method for studying the Bible or you will miss a lot of the Bible not covered in random word searches.

This is an excerpt from Sweeter Than Chocolate: Developing a Healthy Addiction to God’s Word. Used by permission.

Video by The Bible Project

Here is a fun example of the results of a word study and all you can learn from this method of searching the scriptures.

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